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Urban Land Institute: Technical Assistance Panel

Urban Land Institute (ULI) will hold a Technical Assistance Panel (TAP) on September 21st. The panel will provide insight into city-wide residential, and residential mixed-use, development projects across the City. In the context of the General Plan and Housing Element process, these issues will be of significant importance over the next several years. In particular, the City would like to better understand:

  1. It is feasible for developers to develop projects at greater densities and heights than the City has seen in recent project submissions near major transit nodes, particularly as allowed by the Smart Code and other existing zoning?

  2. How can we promote affordable housing development?

  3. As we look ahead to the General Plan and Housing Element, what might be the best and most feasible places in the City to encourage housing development, and what policy tools should the City use to do so given:

    • The Urban Growth Boundary constrains land availability and therefore encourages infill development;

    • The potential desire to limit development in the Petaluma River floodzone;

    • That Petaluma expects to receive a significantly higher RHNA than in previous cycles, per ABAG;

    • The need for additional affordable housing throughout the region;

    • The expense of developing affordable housing projects, including both projects with inclusionary units and 100% affordable projects;

    • State of California direction on locating housing such that it promotes socioeconomic equity.

The ULI TAP will deliver a presentation and final analysis of their findings to City Council, the Planning Commission, and the community at large. This will inform future discussions on the General Plan and other policy documents. ULI will also produce a report that will inform the General Plan RFP, will be provided to General Plan consultants, and will be available to the community.