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General Plan Advisory Committee

A diverse twenty-one-member committee has been formed composed of residents, business owners, educators, and other members of the Petaluma community who will meet and collaborate to provide insight throughout the City’s General Plan Update process.

GPAC Purpose

The GPAC is comprised of community representatives who will serve as advisors and project ambassadors throughout the General Plan process. The committee will work collaboratively with the consultant team, led by Raimi + Associates, and City staff to provide input on General Plan issues and offer feedback on draft materials.

The GPAC will:

  • Supplement community input provided at public workshops and provide feedback and guidance throughout the General Plan process.

  • Provide feedback and direction to the project consultant and City staff, with the goal of developing policies and objectives of the new General Plan that are responsive to community input, conditions, goals, and vision.

  • Help tailor the project to local conditions, including the approach taken for each major step in the process as well as public engagement strategies employed.

  • Review plan materials and provide guidance at key project milestones, including crafting a vision, considering alternatives, and selecting preferred policies, to help ensure that they are responsive to community input and conditions.

  • Communicate information about the General Plan to Petaluma community members and encourage all interested parties to participate in the process.


 Who’s in the GPAC?

The GPAC application was published on October 30, 2020 and closed on December 7, 2020. Notice of the application was distributed via the Community Update, email, social media, advertisements in the Argus Currier, presentations to high school students, and via utility bill insert.

Current GPAC Members

Iliana Inzunza Madriga
Roberto Rosila Mares​
Kris Rebillot​
Bill Rinehart​
Joshua Riley Simmons​
Lizzie Wallack​
Bill Wolpert

Dave Alden​
Stephanie Blake​
Phil Boyle​
Mary Dooley​
Ali Gaylord​
Yensi Jacobo​
Sharon Kirk​
Roger Leventhal​

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GPAC Meetings and Materials

Meeting details and materials can be found on the City’s Website.

All GPAC meetings are open to the public, and all interested community members and stakeholders are welcome to get involved in the planning process to share their lived experiences and knowledge.

Upcoming Meetings

July General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting

Location TBD
Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 6:30 PM

 Past Meetings

Meeting # 34 - June General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting - VIRTUAL

June 20, 2024
6:30 - 9:00 PM
Zoom Link:
Topic: The GPAC will discuss the working group feedback on the Draft Policy Frameworks for the General Plan.

Agenda and Meeting Materials

Public Comments

Meeting Recording Part 1

Meeting Recording Part 2

MEETING #33 - May General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

May 16, 2024 GPAC Meeting Cancelled.

Meeting #32 - April General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting - VIRTUAL

April 18, 2024
6:30-9:00 PM

Meeting Recording

Meeting Agenda and Materials

Meeting Summary

Public comment #1

Public Comment #2

Public Comment #3

Meeting #31 - March General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting

March 21, 2024 CANCELLED - No meeting

Meeting #30 - February General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting

Thursday, February 15, 20204
6:30-9:00 PM
City of Petaluma Community Center, Lucchesi Park

Meeting Agenda and materials


Public Comments

Meeting Summary

Meeting Purpose: Continue discussion of Land Use

Meeting #29 - January General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting (In PERSON)

Thursday, January 18, 20204
6:30-9:00 PM
City of Petaluma Community Center, 320 N. McDowell Blvd

Meeting Agenda


Meeting Summary

No virtual option was available for this meeting and it was not recorded, the public was invited to attend in person.

Meeting #28 - November General Plan Advisory Committee Meeting (in person)

Thursday, November 16, 2023

6:30 - 9:00 PM

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Summary

Agenda en Español

Meeting Materials: Blueprint for Carbon Neutrality GPAC Comments, October 19, 2023 Meeting Summary


Meeting #27 - October 19, 2023

Thursday, October 19, 2023
In follow up to the September meeting, this meeting will begin the discussion about flood adaptation strategies.

Meeting # 26 - September 21, 2023

Thursday, September 21, 2023 - 6:30 PM - In Person
Petaluma Community Center - Conference Rooms A-D
320 N. McDowell, Petaluma

GPAC had its first ever in-person meeting on September 21, 2023. The meeting focused on the results of the City’s Flood Mapping and Sea Level Rise Mapping Project.

Meeting #24 - May 18, 2023

Meeting #23 - March 16, 2023

Meeting #22 - February 16, 2023

Meeting #21 - January 19, 2023


December 15, 2022

November 17, 2022

October 20, 2022

September 15, 2022

August 18, 2022

July 21, 2022 - Cancelled

June 16, 2022

May 19, 2022

April 21, 2022

March 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

Comments Received:

Feedback Provided on Visioning Materials - January through February 2022

Version edited by GPAC at January GPAC Session:

Feedback Received on Vision Statement, Pillars, and Guiding Principles:

January 20, 2022

2021 GPAC Meeting Materials

November 18, 2021

October 21, 2021

September 16, 2021

August 19, 2021

July 15, 2021

June 17, 2021 - Cancelled

Because the City has a very full meeting schedule (approaching four evenings a week, every week), it can be challenging to find a time to reschedule another televised public GPAC meeting between now and the next scheduled GPAC meeting (July 15). Understanding that it is still essential to gather GPAC input to keep the planning process moving along, the General Plan team has decided to ask for GPAC memeber’s individual and ad-hoc working group input on the Draft Group Agreements and assessing the defining characteristics of city sub-areas. The General Plan team will summarize individual and small group comments and review proposed sub-area boundaries at the next GPAC meeting. Below is the original agenda, memo detailing the agenda rationale, and assorted attachments to the memo.

May 20, 2021

March 18, 2021


GPAC Working Group Materials

In 2022, the GPAC Working Groups have been delving deeper into specific topics to provide direction for the General Plan Update. This has entailed research, collaborating with community members, holding work sessions and community meetings, and synthesizing diverse sources of information.

Each working group has applied an approach specific to their topic and interests. Some groups decided to provide written statements that summarize their priorities and recommendations, which include the following: