Draft Land Use Policy Framework

The Draft Land Use Policy Framework is now available for public review!

Join us at one of two community open houses to learn more about the framework and give feedback. The same material will be presented at both workshops:

  • Saturday, September 21, 10am-1pm @ The Beverly Wilson Building

  • Wednesday, September 25, 5-8pm @ The Lucchesi Community Center

We will also be popping up around town to share information about the Framework and request feedback. If you see us at one of our “Pop-Ups” in September, please stop by and say hi!

You can also share feedback on the Land Use goals and polices using the feedback form below.

Información sobre las reuniones en español

What is the Draft Land Use Policy Framework?

The Draft Land Use Policy Framework is one of the fourteen Policy Frameworks that outlines the proposed General Plan goals, policies, and suggests actions for each topic that will be addressed in the General Plan.

The land use framework defines how and where the city will evolve over the next 20 years including where we live, work, shop and play. It includes strategies that:

  • Expand open space and access to the Petaluma River

  • Reimagining a land use pattern that prioritizes active transportation – people walking, biking and using public transportation

  • Support new and innovative housing types within city limits and near transit hubs

  • Enhance existing neighborhoods by increasing access to daily needs

  • Revitalize commercial corridors

  • Accommodate Petaluma’s growing and ever-changing needs for high quality housing that is affordable, a thriving local economy and places for community gathering

  • Preserve Petaluma’s historic, agricultural, river-oriented identity

To read the Land Use Policy Framework, click HERE. It includes considerable detail including goals, policies, and implementation actions. Larger versions of the maps in the Framework are available below.

To view a map of the Planning Sub-Areas included in Chapter 4 of the Framework, which are the same as those in the current Petaluma General Plan 2025, click HERE.

The Petaluma Land Use Alternatives ArcGIS web viewer is available HERE to support review of the Land Use Policy Framework. This interactive map contains layers that show: the Areas of Change and 15-Minute Activity Centers; the existing General Plan Land Use Designations; the existing transportation network, public facilities, parks, and open space; and Housing Element sites.


Share your feedback on the Land Use Framework below:


This Policy Framework is structured around the following goal areas:

Goal LU-1: Urban Growth Boundary

Goal LU-2: Surrounding Open Space is Preserved

Goal LU-3: Development is focused within existing City Boundaries

Goal LU-4: Development is prioritized near transit

Goal LU-5: Land uses along the Petaluma River advance ecological, resilience, and public access goals.

Goal LU-6: 15-minute walk to activity centers.

Goal LU-7: Residential neighborhoods provide middle-density housing options.

Goal LU-8: Neighborhoods add non-residential uses.

Goal LU-9: Public realm, civic, mobility, and infrastructure improvements support activity centers.

Goal LU-10: Strong identity and sense of place.

Goal LU-11: Welcoming gateways and corridors.

Goal LU-12: High quality design.

Goal LU-13: Development is sustainable.

For more information on the related policies and implementation actions for each goal area, please review the Policy Framework document, available HERE.