General Plan Land Use Map Update

As part of the GPU project, the City will be updating the land use map. This means that some individual properties are being considered for a change in the land use designation. We are currently working to engage property owners to discuss the potential changes being considered. On March 3, 2025, the consultant team will present recommendations to the City Council for consideration. This will be the first of several public meetings where the revisions to the land use map will be considered.

Areas of Change

The areas of change identified on the Recommended Land Use Map were identified through an extensive process that involved community engagement, policy guidance and technical analysis, and feedback from the General Plan Advisory Committee.

The overall intention of the map is to shift development away from the Petaluma River and flood-prone areas, and to shift development toward in-fill sites located along existing transit corridors and within proximity to areas that will serve as centers for15-minute neighborhoods.

In order to explain the changes being recommended, a Briefing Book has been prepared. You can read the whole book here, or you can see the specific area of change by clicking on the area below:

Petaluma Boulevard South

Bowling Alley & Veteran’s Center

East Washington

Washington Square & Plaza Center

Western & Baker

Casa Grande Center

Leghorn Marketplace

Upstream River-Adjacent Area

Downstream River Adjacent Area


Downtown SMART Station

River Park

Petaluma Boulevard North

The Outlets

Property Owner Requests

If you are the owner of a property in the City of Petaluma and feel that it should be considered for a change in Land Use Designation, please fill out our form by clicking here. Upon receipt of these requests, City staff will review each request and make a recommendation to Planning Commission and City Council.