The Draft Land Use Policy Framework is one of the fourteen Policy Frameworks that outlines the proposed General Plan goals, policies, and suggests actions for each topic that will be addressed in the General Plan.

The land use framework defines how and where the city will evolve over the next 20 years including where we live, work, shop and play. It includes strategies that:

  • Expand open space and access to the Petaluma River

  • Reimagining a land use pattern that prioritizes active transportation – people walking, biking and using public transportation

  • Support new and innovative housing types within city limits and near transit hubs

  • Enhance existing neighborhoods by increasing access to daily needs

  • Revitalize commercial corridors

  • Accommodate Petaluma’s growing and ever-changing needs for high quality housing that is affordable, a thriving local economy and places for community gathering

  • Preserve Petaluma’s historic, agricultural, river-oriented identity

Click here to learn more about the Land Use Framework.

Haga clic aquí para ver las políticas en español.

Draft General Plan update Policy Frameworks

The Draft General Plan Policy Frameworks were created through an extensive process using the Vision, Pillars, and Guiding Principles developed by the General Plan Advisory Committee, analysis of the existing conditions, existing plans, and the needs of the community. The General Plan Team identified the need for 14 Policy Frameworks, which can be viewed by clicking on the links in the sections below. These polices, pulled together into topic-based “Policy Frameworks”, are detailed documents that cover much of what it means to be a City – from shorter-term facilities maintenance and infrastructure needs to long-term planning for things like future climate risks, business development, and historic preservation.

The Policy Frameworks for the General Plan Update were released on March 21, 2024 and April 23, 2024. They have undergone review by the City’s Committee’s Commissions, and Board meetings in May, June, and will wrap up in July. Public feedback on the proposed plan policies has been received at the City’s General Plan Fest on May 11, 2024 and through the online public feedback portal through June 30, 2024. Staff are now reviewing feedback and will be working on revised policies that will be released in the Draft General Plan Elements. The Land Use Policy Framework is now available!

Arts, Culture, and Creativity

Petaluma has a strong creative community and would like to expand access to art and creative industries for everyone. The Arts, Culture, and Creativity framework lays out plans to do this by strengthening our city’s arts and culture programs, helping creative businesses thrive, and increasing the presence and visibility of artists in city projects and processes.

Read the Draft Arts, Culture, and Creativity Framework.

Economic Development

Petaluma wants its economy to provide opportunities for all community members to support themselves and reach their financial goals. Our city is also prioritizing having the funds needed to provide the services and infrastructure our community desires. This framework helps fulfill these aims by finding ways to make space for a variety of industries, attracting visitors, and providing transportation options.

Read the Draft Economic Development Policy Framework.

Flood ResiliencY

Located along the Petaluma River, the city experiences the tidal flows that come from the Pacific Ocean via San Francisco Bay and San Pablo Bay. As the climate continues to change, the sea level is expected to rise. Between 2022 and 2023, the City undertook an in-depth study of the future flooding considerations related to flooding from future storms and from sea level rise. The project generated maps showing the potential flooding that might occur as a result of future sea level rise and reflect updated knowledge about areas where the city may experience flooding. The Flood Resilience Framework will be available later in Spring 2024 and will include goals and policies that will address the preservation of existing infrastructure and development and that will create a pathway to ensure Petaluma is prepared for the future.

Read the Draft Flood Resiliency Policy Framework.


A plan to implement the final General Plan 2045 document and ensure that its policies and plans inform our actions over the next 20 years. This framework looks at how we continue to inform and engage the community in the work of our city government by encouraging direct participation in our decision-making processes and making our work more accessible across language barriers. We will strengthen our approach by finding new ways to improve communications, transparency, and accountability. Additionally, it outlines ways to strengthen our collaborations with local community groups, improve our technologies, and expand digital access to city resources.

Read the Draft Governance and Implementation Policy Framework.

Health, Equity & Environmental Justice

This Framework is designed to ensure that all Petaluma’s community members can live healthy lives. It does so by aiming to meet state requirements on six specific topic areas, like reducing pollution exposure, increasing food access, and promoting physical activity, safe and sanitary homes, and public/community engagement.

Across all six topic areas, the Framework prioritizes improvements and programs that help some of our most vulnerable community members in particular access these fundamental needs. This framework also works to highlight public health in policy making.

Read the Draft Health, Equity, & Environmental Justice Policy Framework.


Petaluma is a community that acknowledges and values its history. This framework seeks to encourage the preservation and investment in our historic buildings, districts, and natural environments (like our Petaluma River) that create a distinct sense of place for residents and visitors to Petaluma. At the same time, the framework looks at sustainable ways to promote economic development for Petaluma’s future. The framework also advances collaboration with local Tribal Nations and public education to protect cultural resources and celebrate Petaluma’s heritage with residents and visitors.

Read the Draft Historic Resources Policy Framework.

Infrastructure & Utilities

This Framework creates policies for our city infrastructure systems including water, waste, energy, decarbonization, and communications. These topics are critical to Petaluma residents’ quality of life and will require improvements as the city grows and adapts to climate change. Additionally, State and regional mandates for water conservation, waste diversion, and decarbonization are addressed in this framework.   

Read the Draft Infrastructure & Utilities Policy Framework.

Land Use

The Public Draft Land Use Policy Framework will guide the long-term physical development and growth of the City, while addressing the urban growth boundary and the future design and development of the community. It includes strategies that: expand open space and access to the Petaluma River, facilitate growth within city limits and near transit hubs, create complete neighborhoods where residents can meet their daily needs, revitalize commercial corridors, change the amount and type of housing, shopping, and work space allowed in some areas, and preserve Petaluma’s historic, agricultural, river-oriented identity.

Read the Draft Land Use Policy Framework.

Natural Environment

Like the Parks Framework above, the Natural Environment Framework creates policies to preserve our land and waterways and create long-term climate resilience. But where the Parks Framework is rooted in our community’s ability to enjoy our landscape and outdoor spaces, the Natural Environment Framework creates policies to protect them. From flood management to soil erosion, stormwater runoff to watershed conservation, this Framework aims to ensure that Petaluma maintains open spaces and remains climate resilient into the future through careful stewardship of our natural resources.

Read the Draft Natural Environment Policy Framework.


Petaluma is a vibrant community, busy with activity. This framework, which is required by the State of California, evaluates our city’s current noise conditions and presents a plan to keep our noise exposure to safe and acceptable levels. We review car, airport, public transportation, industrial, and business noise, and then review the tools in our city's toolbox to help us reduce it. Tools include updates to our Municipal code and zoning rules, thoughtful design practices, nature-based strategies, and sound mitigation. Smart practices will help us decrease noise exposure and vibrations.

Read the Draft Noise Policy Framework.

Parks and Recreation

The Parks Policy Framework is rooted in our community’s connection to the land: from our agricultural heritage to the river at the heart of our city, from our historic downtown to our open space preserves. It creates a foundation for an expanded, well-maintained, and amenity-rich system of parks, open spaces, and recreational facilities for the benefit of existing and future residents. The framework also identifies strategies that will create a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient parks, open space, urban forest, and recreational facilities network that will result in a healthier, more socially connected population.

Read the Draft Parks and Recreation Policy Framework.


A plan to guide maintaining and enhancing Petaluma’s community-serving public facilities, including police and fire stations, the Petaluma Municipal Airport, the Petaluma Marina, the Petaluma fairgrounds property, and other City-owned properties used for City operations and community programming. This framework looks at ways to make our city’s facilities more accessible to the public and more adaptable for a range of needs. It also proposes a plan to ensure our facilities are well-maintained and energy efficient to help us reach our climate goals and reduce costs over time.   

Read the Draft Public Facilities Policy Framework.


A framework with policies and actions aimed at keeping Petalumans safe by preparing for emergencies, planning for the impacts of climate change, and improving or maintaining our infrastructure. The policies include long-range plans for a variety of common local hazards. They also include plans to improve our public safety facilities and increase our emergency response staff to ensure we can meet our community’s needs now and into the future. By viewing these policies through an Environmental Justice lens, we look to ensure that everyone in Petaluma has an equal opportunity to protect themselves and their families from hazards and climate change.

Read the Draft Safety Policy Framework.


A framework that offers policies and activities to make getting around the city better and safer for everyone, whether they are walking, biking, using public transit, or driving a car. We do this by planning for road improvements like pavement restoration and bike lane enhancements. Petaluma is looking at how residential areas connect to businesses and whether those connections can be improved. This plan links to the Blueprint for Carbon Neutrality by looking at ways to encourage green travel throughout Petaluma.

Read the Draft Transportation Policy Framework.