General Plan Fest

General Plan Fest on May 11th included food, activities, prizes, and opportunities for community members to learn about and provide feedback on the Policy Frameworks for the City’s General Plan Update.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the event, and we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming discussions of the policy frameworks at one of the City’s Commissions, Committees, and Boards public meetings!

We Received Great Feedback!

View all feedback boards

Couldn’t Make it? You can still participate!

We know Petalumans have busy schedules and we are providing a number of ways to engage. We look forward to receiving community feedback on the Policy Frameworks through our online portal.

You can also attend one of the City's Committees, Commissions, and Boards' public meetings where the relevant policy framework(s) will be presented and discussed:

May 30, 2024: Public Art Committee

May 28, 2024: Planning Commission

Please see the City's website for details as they become available.

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