Safety Policy Framework

A framework with policies and actions aimed at keeping Petalumans safe by preparing for emergencies, planning for the impacts of climate change, and improving or maintaining our infrastructure. The policies include long-range plans for a variety of common local hazards. They also include plans to improve our public safety facilities and increase our emergency response staff to ensure we can meet our community’s needs now and into the future. By viewing these policies through an Environmental Justice lens, we look to ensure that everyone in Petaluma has an equal opportunity to protect themselves and their families from hazards and climate change.

To read the Safety Policy Framework, click HERE.  It includes considerable detail including goals, policies, and implementation actions.


This Policy Framework is structured around the following goal areas.

Goal SAF-1: Emergency Guidance and Tools

Goal SAF-2: High-Quality Emergency Services

Goal SAF-3: Responsive Public Safety Services

Goal SAF-4: Evacuation

Goal SAF-5: Critical Facilities Resiliency

Goal SAF-6: Climate Resilience

Goal SAF-7: Drought

Goal SAF-8: Wildfire Risk Management

Goal SAF-9: Earthquake Resiliency

Goal SAF-10: Hazardous Materials Management

For more information on the related policies and implementation actions for each goal area, please review the Policy Framework document, available HERE.