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General Plan Area Meeting # 4 - East of 101 and South of East Washington St.

Please Join our General Plan Area Meeting # 4!

As part of the General Plan Update, the City of Petaluma wants to hear from you through a series of "neighborhood" area meetings. Each meeting will focus on a different area of the city, with Downtown covered in Meetings 2 and 3. We encourage you to attend the Area Meeting for your neighborhood and share your perspective on how to make it a better place to live, work, and play.

Please note ALL General Plan Area Meetings will be held virtually from 6:30 – 8:00 pm and offer simultaneous Spanish interpretation.

Area Meeting # 4, the fourth of four geographically-focused virtual meetings, covers the area west of 101 and south of East Washington St.

Log on September 1, 2021 at 6:30PM over Zoom to share your voice!